The most anticipated visitors of the Bay: The Humpback Whales!

Puerto Vallarta is home to some of the most majestic creatures on earth – the Humpback Whales. These gentle giants migrate to the warm waters of Puerto Vallarta and Banderas Bay every winter, making it an ideal location for whale watching.

If you are planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta or between the months of December and March, you have the opportunity to witness the spectacular sight of these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. Here are some things you should know about Humpback Whales in Puerto Vallarta:

How they get here and why:

Humpback Whales migrate from the cold waters of Alaska to the warm waters of Banderas Bay every year to mate and give birth. They swim more than 3,000 miles to reach these waters, making it one of the longest mammal migrations in the world.

Humpback whales come to Puerto Vallarta for their annual breeding and calving season, which usually takes place between December and March. The warm and shallow waters of Banderas Bay provide a safe and protected environment for the whales to mate, give birth, and nurse their young.

The acrobatic displays of the whales

Tail slapping and spy-hopping are one of the several acrobatic displays that can be seen doing both the calf and the mother. Undoubtedly, breaching is one of the most amazing behaviors that Humpback Whales exhibit. It’s when the whales leap out of the water and then fall back in, making a loud splash. Experts are still not sure why they do this, but it’s believed to be a form of communication or a way to attract a mate. Either way it is one spectacle that you can not miss during your visit to Puerto Vallarta.

Male Humpback Whales sing long, complex songs that can last up to 20 minutes. These songs can be heard up to 20 miles away and are believed to be a way for males to attract females or to establish their dominance. If you try snorkeling during the months the Humpback Whales visit the bay, you may hear the singing underwater.


Humpback Whales were once on the brink of extinction due to commercial whaling. However, thanks to conservation efforts, their population has started to recover. Today, they are classified as a species of least concern, but they still face threats such as entanglement in fishing gear and collisions with high-speed boats. It’s important to practice responsible whale watching and give them the space necessary for them to do their activities, remember they are often teaching their calf essential knowledge!

At Anamar, we recommend using a sailboat to do whale watching, due to their small engine the risk of impact is close to zero, another advantage of sailboats is having an almost 360 degrees view to not miss any action of these beautiful creatures.

Book your whale watching tour!

Whale watching in Puerto Vallarta is an unforgettable experience. You can book a sailing tour with us that will take you out on a sailboat to see these magnificent creatures up close. You may even get lucky and see a breach or hear their beautiful songs. It’s important to remember to respect these animals and their habitat by not getting too close or disturbing them in any way.

In conclusion, if you’re planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta during the winter months, make sure to add whale watching to your itinerary. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you will never forget. With the help of responsible tourism, we can ensure that these gentle giants continue to thrive for generations to come.